
Our services are designed as a creative whole, where the sermon, music and other elements are all designed to reinforce one central idea. While we appreciate the musical heritage of the past and occasionally use older songs and hymns, at Summit we generally choose to use more modern music and songs that reflect in fresher ways our heart for God. We also attempt to bring other creative elements into our services whenever possible, based on our conviction that God is highly creative and we should reflect that creativity whenever possible. Thus dramas, readings, video, dramatic sermons, and other elements all appear regularly in our services.

At the heart of our services, however, is the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible. At Summit, we have a strong commitment to expository preaching through books of the Bible, where we teach a paragraph or literary unit in depth, explaining it as clearly and creatively as possible, and then practically applying the key truth or idea to life today. In addition, at Summit we believe both Old and New Testaments are God’s Word and contain relevant truths for us today, and therefore we have a strong commitment to teaching the whole Bible.

Below are some answers to questions we are often asked:

When are your services?
Our Sunday Service is at 10am, and includes kids & intermediate youth programmes.  The services are held at Howick Intermediate School, 15 Botany Road, Howick.

How should I dress?
The way you feel most comfortable. Summit is very casual and relaxed, with lots of people wearing jeans, shorts, t-shirts & sandals.

Do I need to bring anything?
No. If you want to bring a Bible or in order to follow along with the service, feel free to do so. We do provide some Bibles on the Info Desk, and often project verses onto the screen.  You could also download the free Bible app to your smart device.

Download Bible app

Will I have to stand up and introduce myself?
No. We sometimes offer the chance near the beginning of the service to introduce yourself to those seated near you, but you will never be asked to introduce yourself to the whole church.

What are the services like?
Our church services typically include a Welcome, Worship in Song, a Sermon, and we also often incorporate drama, video, and special music.

What is the music like?
Summit offers contemporary praise & worship music, focused on congregational singing led by vocal teams, and backed by guitars, a keyboard and drums.  The music spans a range of styles from joyful celebration to intimate communion with God. We've created a Spotify playlist of a selection of songs we sing

Listen to Spotify playlist

Where do I park?
There are plenty of parking spaces available at the Botany Road entrance, as well as on Botany Road itself.

What does your church believe?
Our Statement of Faith covers our core beliefs

Read Statement of Faith

If you have any other questions you'd like answered, please feel free to email us at